Friday, February 12, 2010

Most of us can point to an ancestral migration to the United States. Some of our relatives came here long before this land had a name. Those families with Native American roots probably always lived here. Regardless of where we all came from generations ago, we now have a coveted and unique common bond, we are all Americans.
America that wonderful beacon of freedom. America that place where all are welcome. America that land blessed by God Almighty. America , beckoning many to come and create the Economic Engine that would drive the World Economy for Centuries. America where self sufficiency and the entrepreneurial spirit were rewarded not punished.
What has happened to us? Why do we look to Washington, DC to supply our needs. Let's rekindle the drive that developed this great land and stop expecting our political leaders to put a "Chicken in every Pot".

Tom Kehoe
Northport Village Trustee

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