Saturday, February 6, 2010

Government Can Not Create

The Washington, DC power elite would have us believe that "Government Creates". They would like us to believe that Government is the most important component of the American Economy. Since when? America was built on free enterprise, sweat, hard work and "LESS" government. The only thing "Government Creates" is DEBT, $Trillions of dollars of debt. Someone convinced this crew that debt, hugh debt is good for us. Since the current Administrataion has been calling the shots, they have loaded us up with so much of it that the Premier of China recently told the President to get his financial house in order. China holds more of our debt than any other country in the world, Japan is second.
The only thing that has been created by this Administration are gigantic financial obligations that taxes have to pay for. Sadly, that will be the legacy of the current Administration.

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