Friday, February 12, 2010

Most of us can point to an ancestral migration to the United States. Some of our relatives came here long before this land had a name. Those families with Native American roots probably always lived here. Regardless of where we all came from generations ago, we now have a coveted and unique common bond, we are all Americans.
America that wonderful beacon of freedom. America that place where all are welcome. America that land blessed by God Almighty. America , beckoning many to come and create the Economic Engine that would drive the World Economy for Centuries. America where self sufficiency and the entrepreneurial spirit were rewarded not punished.
What has happened to us? Why do we look to Washington, DC to supply our needs. Let's rekindle the drive that developed this great land and stop expecting our political leaders to put a "Chicken in every Pot".

Tom Kehoe
Northport Village Trustee

Monday, February 8, 2010

Boy Scouts of America 100th Anniversary

One of our America's great youth organizations, the Boy Scouts of America celebrates their 100th Anniversary this week. As a boy I was fascinated by the outdoors and the skills needed to survive in the wild. I learned many things as a boy in the Boy Scouts. I went on to become an Eagle Scout, to this day one of my life's proudest accomplishments. Above all I developed a deep love for our Country. One of Scouting's motto's, "God & Country" still burns within me. If you know a Boy Scout or a Scouting Adult Leader, congratulate them and thank them for continuing on with one of America's great traditions, the Boy Scouts.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Government Can Not Create

The Washington, DC power elite would have us believe that "Government Creates". They would like us to believe that Government is the most important component of the American Economy. Since when? America was built on free enterprise, sweat, hard work and "LESS" government. The only thing "Government Creates" is DEBT, $Trillions of dollars of debt. Someone convinced this crew that debt, hugh debt is good for us. Since the current Administrataion has been calling the shots, they have loaded us up with so much of it that the Premier of China recently told the President to get his financial house in order. China holds more of our debt than any other country in the world, Japan is second.
The only thing that has been created by this Administration are gigantic financial obligations that taxes have to pay for. Sadly, that will be the legacy of the current Administration.